根據最新出爐的《高力國際2018年第二季 菲律賓房地產報告》,菲律賓的房地產市場需求依舊強勁,SM集團和Federa Land兩大開發商合作,要在Makati推出上看每平方米40萬披索的豪宅,等於每坪80萬台幣?可能嗎?


The benefits of warmer relations between the Philippines and China are spilling over to the residential sector. Developers have been benefitting from increasing residential demand from Chinese employees and investor while we see greater potential for partnership between Filipino and foreign developers as Colliers International Philippines has observed more enquiries from firms based in Japan, Hong Kong, and Mainland China.


We believe that developers should be on the lookout for possible partnership with foreign developer and build more upscale condominium projects in the bay area where demand for high-end properties is rising. Developers should look at housing opportunities in Cebu, Pampanga, and Laguna as offshore gaming firms have started to operate in these locations。

我們認為菲律賓開發商應該留意與外國開發商建立合作關係,並在馬尼拉灣區建造更多高檔公寓項目,因為對於高端項目的需求正在上升。同時開發商應該關注Cebu, Pampanga和Laguna的房地產機會,因為許多網路博彩公司已經開始在這些地方開展業務。

Colliers believe that the continuous increase in capital values in the secondary market is not surprising as presales prices have also been reaching record-highs. At present, the most expensive condominium in metro manila is now priced close to PHP 400,000 per sqm (USD 5700). The PHP 400,000 per sqm-mark is likely to be
breached with upcoming high-profile projects designed by prominent architects. SM Prime is partnering with Federal Land to build a luxury residential project on a 3500 sqm lot between Rits Tower and Discovery Primea along Ayala avenue in Makati CBD. The project could possibly breach the PHP 400,000 per sqm average price of Ayala's Park Central Tower.

高力認為,中古屋市場的房價持續增長並不令人感到意外,因為預售屋價格也達到創紀錄的高價。目前,大馬尼拉地區中最昂貴的公寓價格接近每平方米400,000菲律賓比索(5700美元)。但是,每平方米400,000菲律賓比索的價位,可能會在最近往上突破,因為著名建築師設計的新項目即將到來。SM Prime和 Federal Land合作,在馬卡蒂中央商務區Ayala大道的Rits Tower和Discoverty primea之間,將會建造一個土地面積3500平方公尺的豪華住宅項目,此項目可能會突破Ayala's Park Central Tower每平方米均價400,000比索的售價。

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